Lot 2, 150 Ellett Road, Pakenham South Vic 3810
Ph: 0407 187 198 (Mel)
e: portagrazer.aust@portagrazer.net
Exclusive Australian distributor:

Improving health of any confined horse through slow feeding system
THE Porta-Grazer is designed to allow a horse to graze hay in a naturally slow, continuous manner in the correct posture. Each bite is torn off and pulled through the pan insert holes (as pictured), simulating natural grazing.
The restrictor pan insert lowers to the bottom as the feed is consumed and is easily removed for refilling in less than 10 seconds, yet with its clever locking mechanism, is almost impossible to remove – it can be knocked over, kicked and rolled around with no spillage.
NO wasted hay or mess on the stable floor = less labour, less vet & feed bills and healthier horses!
ALLOWS several hours of grazing time per filling.
PREVENTS parasites and sand being ingested from the stable floor.

NO gorging - horses can graze all day – searching, pulling, tearing whilst chewing & swallowing - naturally.
THE optional lid/water trough makes Porta-Grazer the essential travelling item when on the road.

Live in North East Victoria?
You can purchase and collect
in Mansfield!
Call Mel on 0407 187 198
A brilliantly designed slow hay feeder made in the USA that mimics natural grazing for horses - the way every horse should eat.

What is a Porta-Grazer?
A Porta-Grazer allows a
EAT correctly with head down
EAT with correct teeth & jaw alignment
EAT with correct weight distribution
EAT bite-sized mouthfuls
FORAGE for its hay
AVOID eating off of the ground
PRODUCE the correct amount of saliva for each bite and;
NO wasted hay
NO frustration
NO injury
NO colic, ulcers or choke
NO dust inhalation
horse to:
DEVELOPED and made in the USA and used throughout the world, the Porta-Grazer™ has unlocked the key to mirroring natural slow grazing for horses.
The Porta-Grazer's immense health benefits have been endorsed by veterinarians, equine dentists, leading horse trainers and participants from all equine disciplines.
Booralite Park Pty Ltd, at Pakenham South, is the exclusive Australian distributor of the Porta-Grazer™ range of slow feeders. ​
Will it suit my horse?
No matter your horse's size, breed, colour or the discipline it is used for, all equine digestive systems are the same.
They all require 24/7 access to pasture or hay and the ability to graze for a minimum of 17 hours a day. Too often we do not provide enough roughage, especially in a confined situation or when we are trying to reduce our horse’s weight.